Natural Aussie Gal

Natural Aussie Gal

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Red salmon salad

Tonight I was really struggling to stay on track. I went out for dinner last night and had a bit of a splurge on Chinese, so today I have been very sluggish, and craving junk food again all day. It was horrible. I'm so amazed at the difference it has made for me!
I was so tempted to get takeaway, but I wasn't going to do it to myself. So instead I decided to have a treat. Normally for dinner I just have a salad with lots of greens and an oil-based dressing but I decided to try something different today to keep me excited and get back on track.
I added some red salmon and changed my dressing and it was amazing. It tasted so good.
Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure you eat the bones because they are full of calcium. Canned salmon is cheaper than fresh salmon, and you can have it handy in the cupboard, but it does only contain half the omega-3 fatty acids as fresh salmon does. Just don't eat too much salmon, as it contains small traces of mercury which is not good for you.
I used to only eat pink salmon, but one day I tried red salmon at my sister's and I have never been able to enjoy pink salmon again. The red tastes so much better. The difference between red (sockeye) salmon and pink (humpback) salmon is that red salmon gets its colour from eating krill (a small type of shrimp). Pink salmon, when hatched, go directly to sea whereas red salmon stay in freshwater for about a year first, they need a lake or large body of freshwater to grow. Nutritionally speaking, pink salmon is slightly higher in omega-3 fatty acids and red salmon has more vitamin D. Red salmon is quite a bit more expensive. Just eat whatever you prefer the taste of and can afford.

* 1/2 cucumber, chopped
* 10 baby roma tomatoes
* 1 cup baby spinach leaves
* 1 shallot, finely chopped
* 1/2 yellow capsicum, chopped
* 100g red salmon, including skin and bones, drained
* juice of 1/2 a lemon
* 1/2 tsp olive oil
* a few grinds of pepper

Combine first six ingredients in a bowl.
Put lemon juice, olive oil and pepper in a small jar and shake well.
Add lemon juice dressing to salad and enjoy!


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